Saturday, March 15, 2008

Damn! I still have fleeces left!

It's almost the end of March,we're waiting for
the sweet grass to grow and I still have fleeces
left from shearing last spring!What happened
to my addiction?Do I have it under control?
Do I want it to be?I really need to go on an
all out no holds barred spinning binge!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Small Beauty

There is beauty in small things.

The Crocus announces spring.

Small wonder!

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Spring is upon us and it's time

for me to get back to landscaping.

Over the winter, my boss and I planted

close to 4000 sapling trees for a

reforestation project! So far we have 95%

survivability.That makes me very happy!

I hate the fact that so much of our farms and

undisturbed spaces in this country are being

developed for housing.I'm proud to be a part

of the reforestation effort.

Needless to say,I haven't had a whole lot of

time for spinning.I did manage to dye up

some Jacob fleece and some mohair.

Lilly Lumpkin curled up beside it.

She loves it!

Feeling Nostalgic

I have been feeling a bit nostalgic for the days when music had some creativity...

not the cookie cutter emo/death metal/speed metal/neo post pop punk/skate//I'm so fucking cool/ bullshit they pumpout today!

So here's a bit of aural stimulation from way back when the people making music were truly artists and not just video rock stars.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Remember the song by Xray Spex ,

The Day the World Turned Dayglo?

This skein is going to be called

The yarn turned dayglo.

It"s spun bulky and plied with

black cotton thread.It should

self stripe in bubblegum,black

and apricot.I threw in some

commercial boa yarn in a deep plum

here and there for fun. Gonna spin

up another skein or two.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Good Morning Sunshine!

As you can see, I was being sarcastic with the title!
I woke up this morning with a bad case of the I don't wannas.
I didn't want to get up...
I don't wanna go food shopping,but I guess I have to...
Someone has to feed the kids and hubby.
(as if they can't find foder in the cabinets and fridge!)
I don't wanna clean...
I don't wanna cook breakfast...
Cereal everyone!
WTF! Doesn't Midol have an ingredient
for this?

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Still Wrestling

Our daughter took this picture of the "old"couple wrestling on the floor.

My tattoo is almost finished except for color touch ups.I love it!

The old man's tree on his arm is still a work in progress. (WIP for

all the knitters out there.)

I'm already dreaming about what my next tattoo will be!