Sunday, March 2, 2008

Good Morning Sunshine!

As you can see, I was being sarcastic with the title!
I woke up this morning with a bad case of the I don't wannas.
I didn't want to get up...
I don't wanna go food shopping,but I guess I have to...
Someone has to feed the kids and hubby.
(as if they can't find foder in the cabinets and fridge!)
I don't wanna clean...
I don't wanna cook breakfast...
Cereal everyone!
WTF! Doesn't Midol have an ingredient
for this?


Anonymous said...

I often wake up with a bad case of the "I don't Wannas". It gets really bad in winter. I'm thinking Prozac.

Anonymous said...

that was from me. as usual, it took me awhile to make it work right!dcvkycum